Our Services

A dead lion and a billboard have one thing in common, they do not roar but you can see them. In this day of clicks, likes and shares seeing in not believing.

We at Dot Com Media House have plan for our clients. We bring all of our client’s services and products to life. Our activation package allows us to demonstrate to the consumer what value they are getting from the services we are promoting.

By creating an atmosphere everywhere we go, we are given an opportunity to engage with the market.

Activations / Promotional Space

Our team accompanies creative branding with one on one activations. Henceforth providing our clients with a more effect means of marketing, brand awareness and driving of sales.

Through activations we are able to gather leads, answer and collect FAQs, drive sales and increase brand loyalty.

We offer our clients that corner, park, township they have always wanted to penetrate. We go to the unreachable
Park and Sell:
We are flexible affordable and effective.
Moving Ads:
We go anywhere


The Vibe gaming is the metronome for the business. it keeps us on time. Under the Vibe gaming you can book a trailer for Kiddies parties, family parties, work team building etc. You can book a space in any of our stores.